Sunday, December 12, 2004


My horridscope (or whatever you call it) from the other day said I will be more self-conscious about my appearance. Who comes up with this junk? I hold no value to my appearance. It might as well have told me that I was going to wash my car. Oh well, I guess they have to do something to fill up space in the newspaper.

By the way, my organization had a holiday party on Friday after work. I was quite pessimistic going into it, but it really worked out well. The food was good, the music was good (and I was allowed to DJ for a few minutes), and it was with my co-workers, most of whom I really respect and admire. In the gift exchange I received a copy of Fidelity by Wendell Berry (he is not a computer person, so I can't link to his website). It will go on my growing list of books to read, but maybe I can do a review of it on my blog when I get to it.

-- Andy


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