Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New Insight: People Care?

At a brownbag session at work today I had a new insight. I am very confused and am not sure how to deal with this.

It seems that there really are people out there that care about brand and font type and font color and all that other stuff that other worthless garbage.

OK I knew there was always someone who acted like they cared about it -- the consultants -- they are in it for the money. Your new font type equals money in their pocket. Of course they are going to try and do everything they can to convince you take on a boondoggle like "branding."

And sure I knew there were those who bought into all this junk that the consultants are selling. If no one bought in, then the consulting economy would dry up and wreck havoc on the economy as a whole. And if the consultants didn't have enough money for umbrellas they would just melt the next time they went out in the rain -- what a mess that would be.

But today my world view shifted. It seemed that there were people who really do care about this stuff.

I don't get it. How can this stuff seem important?

OK. I will admit that the time I missed an important email because someone thought my domain name had a capital I instead of a lower case l, made me an even stronger supporter for serif fonts. But how much control do I have over that? If your email or RSS reader only displays in san serif fonts, I have no control over how you see my email address. And that is how the web is evolving - we have less control over how you see the data.

I just don't get it.

P.S. What I do get is Hugh MacLeod's comment on branding. To paraphrase:
If you want to have a cool brand, do cool stuff.

The original quote is not quite suitable for my organization as we don't really build.



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