Thursday, February 10, 2005

Great Software

I know, no one wants to hear about computers and programs (easier to pick up a date by stating you are unemployed rather than a programmer), but I am not expecting to get a date out of my blog anyway (so there).

Crystal Reports
This is a great program for a number of reports. There is a good chance that Microsoft's reporting software will take the place of a lot of Crystal Reports needs. But one cool, and poorly promoted, aspect is that it can report out file and folder information. So if you want an excel list of all of the documents in a folder, or folder and sub-folder tree, the report can do this. You have to install a component of crystal reports, but it can export all of the file data you would want.

Ever used macros in Word or Excel? It is a great way to deal with a repetitive task. I don't know much about macros, but I can assure you they can be of great benefit. But what if you have a collection of files or documents that you want to run a macro on? MultiMacro is the program. You need to ensure that your macro is properly written, but if it is, you will be really happy to have this program.

Are you familiar with podcasting? I have become an addict to a few web broadcasts. Essentially recorded radio shows. The shows are out their on the web just waiting to be downloaded. But iPodder can download schedule downloading the files for you, you can listen whenever works best for you. And of course if it on your computer, you can download it your portable media player (if you own one (which I do not (which makes me a tech rebel))).


Blogger Moi said...

Crystal reports is very cool. I'd like to get to play with it more.

10:24 am  

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