Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mixed Messages

(Yes I am really behind on posting. Sorry!)

So on the forth of July I saw something really confusing. It was a Hummer, but it was flying an American flag. Maybe it was an attempt at humour, or maybe it was to make people stop and think (or blog as the case might be). To me though it just seemed like a mixed message. If you are driving a Hummer, shouldn't you really be flying an Al-Qaeda flag*? Now that would help reinforce who your allegiance.

This leads into an article in The Washington Post about a man who had his Hummer trashed by some group of people. (oddly enough someone labeled those who damaged the vehicle as eco-terrorists, when it is fairly obvious that it is the other way around. It is the morons who drive Hummers that are terrorizing the ecosystem). The article pointed out that the owner wanted it part because the company he is starting is "image based". Another article then goes on to say that rather than learning from this experience that this might not be such a great image, he is going to fix it up and move out of the District.

-- Andy

* It seems that there is a flag of Jihad, which I guess is the closest thing to an Al Qadea flag. From what I can tell they did not waste money on consultants for their logo or colours, or fonts. there are a lot of groups that could learn a thing or two from that.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I missed the Jihad/Al-Qaeda link, but got the eco-terrorist one. How about a member of parliament (senator in your language) who represents people from one of the biggest slums in Africa (google Kibera),and was once the minister for energy riding around in a hummer? Socioeconopolitico-terrorist?

10:09 pm  

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