Saturday, February 10, 2007

Horridscope Advice for All for Everyday

Today's Horridscope:

Think twice before you get into a vehicle.  Not because anything bad will happen, but because a walk outdoors will do wonders for your soul.  You solve problems as you pound the pavement.

So why is this posted just for today and just for us Sagittari? 

Shouldn't everyone think twice before using personalized motor transport?  A walk outdoors would do wonders for the soul regardless of what time of year you were born.

I have always been better able to solve problems by walking.  OK there was that one time that I tried to use driving as a way to solve my problems.  But that was back in those days of college, when I was young and foolish.  And I am not sure it worked all that well.  Of course it did get me out to a graveyard before sunrise (which anyone who has been to Maine can assure you is a very early hour) where I was able to shoot photos for my photography class.


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