Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I Don't Get It

OK, I admit there is a lot that I don't get.  But can someone please tell me what is so wrong with a TLA (three letter abbreviation)?

People spend tens of thousands of dollars to append TLAs to their names.  We live in a world where people use www even when it isn't really needed.  I (and maybe this adds to my bias) live inside the beltway where nothing would ever get done if people had to spell everything out (yes, I know people already think nothing gets done here, but trust me it would waste even more time if we could no longer just type FBI or EPA).

Corporations want to have web domains that match their abbreviations, but all the short web addresses are already claimed, and fight for the short stock symbol.

So why go and ruin a good thing?  If you have a good TLA -- don't hide it.


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