Monday, February 19, 2007

Walking in the Streets

I had to go out to Northern Virginia late this afternoon. 

For some foolish reason I thought they would have done well in shoveling sidewalks.

I was wrong.  They are even worse than here in DC.  (I will be fair, some people did a very good job at clearing their sidewalks, but percentage wise, it still seemed worse than DC)

I don't get it.  It seems fairly straightforward to me that part of community, part of hospitality is clearing your sidewalk.  It is one of those things that is law, but shouldn't really have to be, it should just be part of being civilized.

I of course was most disgusted in the cases where the sidewalk had not been cleared but the driveway had been perfectly cleared -- but you probably don't want yet another rant against a car do you?


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