Monday, March 28, 2005

Left in the Dust

Not only can I not keep up with the posting I want to add to this site, it seems I can't keep up with much anymore.

There are emails that I need to write, and events that really need planning and attention.

But my concern is that I am turning obsolete before I can even get started here. I am not podcasting. But even if I was, I fear I would already be lost to the world of vlogs.

Not that would really want to see me. Even if I had as good a selection as Rocketboom, I am not as good looking as Amanda Congdon (note to coworkers -- the secret is out, here is one of my new sources for daily work summary).

While I am pounding away at a keyboard to articulate my point, the younger generation (with Dylan Verdi are leading the way with video.

I already feel like telling the younger staff in my office "back in my day..."

Spring is a time of rebirth and fresh starts. Maybe that's what I need.

-- Andy


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